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How to make divorce less stressful

 Posted on December 26, 2018 in Uncategorized

The beginning of a new year is a popular time for couples to split. Perhaps you are contemplating ending your marriage, but are hesitant due to the overwhelming divorce process. Such fear and anxiety can prevent you from making the right choice for you and your family. The good news is there are many things you can do to reduce the stress of divorce and make it more manageable.

Choose the right approach

Most of the stress comes from the contention divorce involves. However, fighting is not an inevitable part of splitting up. You can choose to cooperate and be civil, and you can even stay out of the courtroom and forgo lawyers.

A better method of divorcing is through mediation, which entails creating the terms of your divorce agreement with the help of a neutral facilitator. This approach saves you time and money and improves the emotional well-being of all parties involved, including children, by promoting communication and civility.

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3 common myths about divorce mediation

 Posted on December 17, 2018 in Uncategorized

When it comes to divorce, there can be so many different opinions that you may find yourself overwhelmed. Friends may say you have to take your soon-to-be-ex to court, while others may advise you to avoid the courtroom at all costs.

Divorce mediation is an increasingly popular option for couples who want to move through the divorce process in a way that helps them find collaborative solutions. Not all divorces have to be bitter and drawn-out battles. However, there are several myths about mediation that may steer people away from this option before they have the chance to really learn how it works. Inform yourself about the misconceptions surrounding mediation so you can make the most informed choice for your divorce.

1. Mediation only works if you already get along with your ex

A common misconception surrounding mediation is that it is only an option for couples already getting along. This is an important myth to understand because the very nature of divorce leads most couples to be at odds with each other when they separate. However, just because you and your ex are not getting along or are in conflict does not mean you are not possible candidates for a divorce mediation process. Mediators are professionals who have training aimed specifically at helping couples to find shared solutions when they are not in agreement. So, rather than avoiding mediation if in conflict with your ex, you should explore it as a way to avoid further escalating the conflict.

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Top divorce mediation mistakes to avoid

 Posted on November 30, 2018 in Uncategorized

If you are opting for divorce mediation, it is likely because you hope to reap the practical and psychological benefits it offers. Mediation can save time and money; it can also dial down the level of negativity and help you communicate better.

However, some mistakes can undermine the process. If this happens, mediation may no longer serve as an effective solution, and you may need to continue via costly and anxiety-inducing litigation. Avoiding the following errors can help you make the most of mediation.

Maintaining an adversarial attitude

While amicable divorces do happen, it is also common for hostility and resentment to take over the parties' emotions. This situation is not helped by the popular image of divorcing couples battling it out in court. Not only does such an attitude affect the couple, it can also inflict lasting harm on the children, whom divorce can already make psychologically vulnerable.

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Divorce mediation can have positive effects on children

 Posted on November 09, 2018 in Uncategorized

While divorcing your spouse can have a ripple effect on the entire family, you may be able to minimize the emotional impact your split has on any children you have by opting for divorce mediation as opposed to litigation. Mediation differs substantially from a traditional courtroom divorce, but if the relationship between you and your spouse is not especially ugly or acrimonious, it may be worth your while to consider it.

Mediation, at its core, involves you and your soon-to-be-former spouse sitting down together with a mediator, an impartial third party who “has no horse in the race,” so to speak. In other words, the mediator reaps no benefits from having one party “beat” the other, so he or she is able to provide an unbiased opinion while you and your spouse work through your issues.

A cost-effective alternative

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A guide to getting an inexpensive divorce

 Posted on October 26, 2018 in Uncategorized

If you can tell your marriage is nearing its end, you may be contemplating the various aspects of the divorce process. One thing on your mind is probably how the split will impact your finances. Divorcing can be an expensive experience, but it does not need to be that way.

Breaking up with your current spouse does not need to result in financial turmoil. Follow these simple guidelines to have an affordable split.

Divorce without lawyers

You do not need to litigate the end of your marriage, especially because litigation is the most costly divorce method. Not only that, but it takes more time, gives you less control of the process and can cause further issues after the settlement. Instead of bringing your divorce to the courtroom, you can choose mediation. Mediation is a low-conflict, quick, cooperative and less expensive avenue to divorce.

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3 tips for taking the high road during divorce

 Posted on October 11, 2018 in Uncategorized

When your marriage is falling apart, you may find yourself in the midst of an emotional storm. You could feel a range of emotions, including grief, anger and resentment. At such times, it is easy to result to name-calling and bickering, and you may have a strong desire to fight relentlessly to make your ex miserable.

While these are normal feelings to experience, you should not give in to them. Instead, you should be the better person during divorce. Here are a few motivating factors for taking the high road while you and your spouse separate:

1. You will feel better

Your emotions may be telling you to lash out, but any sense of relief you may feel by being negative will be fleeting and will not make you happier. In fact, you are the person who will benefit most from taking the high road. You will have a sense of fulfillment from doing what is right instead of dealing with constant arguing and guilt.

2. It will make your divorce faster and cheaper

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Why mediation works so well

 Posted on October 01, 2018 in Uncategorized

If you and your spouse have arrived at the point in your marriage where a Texas divorce appears likely, neither of you probably relishes the thought of an expensive, lengthy court battle during which you hurl accusations at each other across a crowded courtroom. Take heart. Divorce need not be that way.

If you seek a more amicable way to end your marriage, you would do well to consider mediation. Not only can mediation cost as much as 40-60 percent less than a traditional litigated divorce, this out-of-court process allows you and your spouse to maintain control over your respective lives instead of leaving important life-altering decisions up to a judge. Since the two of you resolve your own differences during mediated negotiations, you save yourself the excessive stress associated with many litigated divorces. Best of all, you may be able to obtain your divorce without either of you having to step foot inside a courtroom.

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Preparing for mediation

 Posted on September 13, 2018 in Uncategorized

If you are choosing to mediate your divorce, it is likely because you are aware of the benefits this process can yield. Mediation can deliver substantial savings both in terms of financial cost as well as in time and psychological wear and tear.

Taking the time to prepare for your mediation sessions can help you get the most out of the process. The following steps can lead to a more effective, streamlined mediation:

Have your information ready

Having all pertinent information readily available helps the mediator get the facts quickly and proceed to help you with effective solutions. This includes all financial information, such as bank accounts, investments, real estate property, businesses, insurance policies and other assets and sources of income. Make a list as well as copies of documents to back up each entry. Likewise, make a list of ongoing expenses such as mortgage payments, children's activities, insurance premiums and daily living expenses. Having all the information at hand from the start saves time and miscommunication.

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At what time of year is a couple most likely to divorce?

 Posted on August 30, 2018 in Uncategorized

In 2016, researchers who were studying the effects of recession chanced upon information that took them in a totally different direction. Their findings indicated an unusual pattern in divorce filings at certain times of the year.

What they learned

Researchers at the University of Washington were going over recession data that had been gathered between 2001 and 2015 when they discovered the pattern of divorce filings in the state. There was a marked increase after the holiday season and at the end of the summer each year. The researchers concluded that the holidays represent anticipation and rising expectations and are, therefore, inappropriate as a time to divorce. However, if the holidays are a let-down that only creates additional stress, couples will make the decision to divorce once the holidays are over. Summer is also a crucial time for decision-making since it is often reserved for vacations and family time. However, the researchers found that the divorce process was set in motion once the children went back to school.

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Can mediation help when parents have different religious beliefs?

 Posted on August 14, 2018 in Uncategorized

After years of trying, you and your spouse have finally decided to call it quits. You both simply have too many differences to make your marriage work. However, now you have children to worry about, and both of you have significantly different philosophies on raising children – especially when it comes to your religious beliefs. If your faith is causing a great deal of contention during your divorce and visitation battle, you are not alone. Countless people in Texas and elsewhere are going through the same thing.

As you might expect, two people with differing faith beliefs can have a difficult marriage. The Chicago Tribune reported the results of an extensive interfaith marriage survey. The journalist conducting the survey determined that people in mixed faith marriages tend to be less stable, happy and satisfied with their relationships, with the divorce rate for interfaith marriages being high.

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